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Providing Onsite Medical Oncology Care


Adventist Health Castle is pleased to announce medical oncology service started in January 2021. As part of this addition, veteran oncologist William S. Loui, MD, FACP, is now a provider at Adventist Health Castle, providing comprehensive medical oncology services in collaboration with other specialists within the network.

“Medical oncology is a vital need in our community, and we are pleased to expand our services and welcome Dr. Loui,” shared Operations Executive, Ryan Ashlock, “As existing services in Kailua continue to evolve, we are committed to maintaining and providing convenient local access to this important area of care.”

“Adventist Health Castle continuously monitors the needs of our community to identify where we can provide beneficial services,” Ashlock continued. “More details about our medical oncology program will be available in coming months, and we look forward to sharing them.”

Dr. Loui’s office is in the Weinberg building on the Adventist Health Castle campus. As a general oncologist, he provides care for patients with all types of cancer. Dr. Loui is certified in oncology and hematology and serves as an assistant clinical professor at the University of Hawai`i John A. Burns School of Medicine.