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Mother Shares Gratitude for Nurses, Others

Martha Andrus felt compelled to share her gratitude for the Adventist Health Portland team and to make a donation to the hospital foundation’s Nursing Support Fund. Here’s what she had to say:

“On a Saturday afternoon, our son collapsed in cardiac arrest while running [near Adventist Health Portland]. We want to publicly express our endless thanks and enduring gratitude to the Good Samaritan who performed CPR, to the EMTs who quickly arrived, and to the doctors and nurses at Adventist Health Portland….

“Despite our inability to recall all your names, we will never forget the deep impression you made on us as you did your (all too often taken for granted) jobs. Another day in the trenches? Not for us. Thank you for making the unthinkable bearable.

“I would appreciate it if this donation went to the Nursing Support Fund. As much as we love our doctors and administrators, we all know hospitals wouldn’t run well without their nurses, our earthly angels.”

We couldn’t agree more, Martha!

Learn more about how the Adventist Health Portland Foundation supports our nursing and other staff, as well as our community.