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Dr. Schoppy is now welcoming new ENT patients


We are proud to reintroduce otolaryngology services to our community through the expertise of David Schoppy, MD.

When it comes to your key senses of hearing and smelling, experience counts. That’s why we are so proud to reintroduce otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat) services to our friends and neighbors through the expertise and skills of David Schoppy, MD. Dr. Schoppy has experience in head and neck cancer ablation and microvascular reconstruction, with additional expertise in general otolaryngology, endocrine, salivary and sinus surgery. He offers a range of office-based, outpatient, and more complex inpatient procedures to help address a variety of ENT problems. From a minimally invasive procedure to correct an excessively runny nose to a multi-level approach to correct obstructive sleep apnea.